35 Valentine’s Day Trivia that Make Great Conversation Starters

Valentine’s Day is for everyone—even beyond romance. From longtime couples celebrating their love to kids exchanging classroom crafts, this holiday brings people together in different ways. Its popularity has even inspired new traditions, like Galentine’s Day on February 13, which honors female friendships.
You don’t need to be in a relationship—or even love chocolate—to join in the fun. Try kicking off your next meeting or class with some Valentine’s Day trivia. Reward correct answers with candy hearts or use the questions as a fun icebreaker to spark conversation.
Explore these trivia questions and discover the surprising history and traditions behind Valentine’s Day.
35 Valentine’s Day Trivia Questions
There are dozens of questions to ask about this unique holiday, from its roots in ancient Roman and Catholic mythology to modern traditions related to gift-giving. Here are 35 Valentine’s Day trivia questions to kick off your discussion grouped into different categories.
Valentine’s Day by the numbers
- What percentage of Americans say they celebrate Valentine’s Day? 52%
- As of 2023, how much does the average person spend on Valentine’s Day? $193.
- About how many roses are sent on Valentine’s Day each year? 50 million.
- Following Valentine’s Day, what is the holiday where the most flowers are sent? Mother’s Day.
- How many people say they buy Valentine’s Day gifts or treats for their pets? 9 million.
- How many heart-shaped boxes of chocolates are typically sold on Valentine's Day? 35 million.
Valentine’s Day History Trivia
- What is Cupid’s name in Greek mythology? Eros, the God of Love.
- Who is Cupid’s mother in Roman mythology? Venus, the goddess of love and the Roman version of Aphrodite.
- In what year was Saint Valentine martyred? 269 (the 3rd century).
- In the Catholic religion, Saint Valentine is the patron saint of happy marriages. What else is he the patron saint of? Epilepsy and beekeepers.
- When was St. Valentine’s Day first observed? 496
- The Victorian era was known for sending modern-day hate mail of February 14, letting people know you did not like them. What were these cards called? Vinegar Valentines.
- When was the oldest-known Valentine's Day message sent? In 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orléans. It was a love poem sent to his wife when he was imprisoned in the Tower of London.
- What massively popular website debuted on February 14, 2005? YouTube.
Chocolate and Candy Trivia
- Who invented the first Valentine's Day candy box? Richard Cadbury, of the Cadbury chocolate company.
- How much do Americans spend on chocolate for Valentine’s Day each year? $1 billion.
- How many NECCO sweetheart conversation candies are sold around Valentine’s Day each year? 8 billion.
- How did NECCO candies become so popular? They were carried by Civil War soldiers because they were portable and didn’t melt.
- How many cocoa beans does it take to make a pound of chocolate? 400.
Valentine’s Day traditions and celebrations
- What is the most popular gift on Valentine’s Day? Candy, followed by greeting cards.
- What percentage of Valentines are purchased by women? 85%.
- What percentage of men in a relationship don’t make places for Valentine's Day? 64%.
- What holiday is celebrated the day before Valentine’s Day? Galentine’s Day, a holiday for female friendship.
- What sitcom popularized Galentine’s Day? Parks and Recreation.
- What holiday do some people without a romantic partner (sometimes jokingly) celebrate on February 14? Singles Awareness Day (SAD).
- What month is National Singles Day actually celebrated? September.
- What color rose symbolizes friendship? Yellow.
- What are the top three rose colors sold on Valentine’s Day? Red, pink, and white (in that order).
- What state produces the most red roses? California.
- Which American city is nicknamed the City of Roses? Portland, Oregon.
- Which state is home to the town of Valentine? Texas.
Miscellaneous Valentine’s Day trivia
- How many times does your heart beat per day on average? 100,000 beats.
- Do men or women typically have faster heartbeats? Women.
- Which animal has the largest heart? The blue whale.
- What month is also celebrated in February? National Weddings Month.
How to use trivia in meetings or classrooms
Trivia is a great icebreaker to start a meeting or welcome students into a class. It can wake up sleepy brains early in the morning or kick off creative and critical thinking skills. If you plan to incorporate Valentine’s Day trivia into your next discussion, follow these tips to get the most out of the questions.
- Pause for open-ended discussions. Each question has a specific answer, but participants can share the logical reasoning behind their guestimates. For example, they can share why they think NECCO hearts were popularized based on their experiences eating them.
- Let multiple people guess. Many of these questions are almost impossible to guess – like the number of roses sold annually. Let multiple people share their estimates and see who gets closest.
- Provide follow-up questions: Group Valentine’s Day trivia questions together to have a meaningful discussion about the holiday and the traditions surrounding it.
- Give attendees time to react: Participants might share their shock at certain numbers or anecdotes related to this holiday. This is an important part of breaking the ice as a group.
It’s also possible to share Valentine’s Day trivia in remote or hybrid environments. You can share questions digitally and let participants respond through online engagement software. Poll Everywhere is a great tool for sharing quick survey questions based on this trivia.
Conduct These Icebreakers with Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere is one of the leading audience response software options on the market. The various activities are easy to use and accommodating to in-person, remote, and hybrid teams. Whether you are warming up a small group before a presentation or leading a national webinar, Poll Everywhere is available to assist you.
Try Poll Everywhere today and see how it makes activities like Valentine’s Day trivia more engaging. Create Multiple Choice questions about rose sales or leave queries Open-Ended to see what your audience thinks St. Valentine is actually the patron saint of. The answers might surprise you.