25 Fun Poll Questions to Make Anyone Smile

Everyone can benefit from a silly poll question every now and again. These questions are a great way to mix up the flow of your presentation and set a positive tone for the audience. This is doubly true if you’re presenting to an audience you already know. Half the fun is seeing what ridiculous responses your friends and colleagues come up with.
Don’t settle for simple hand-raising or open chatter. Use Poll Everywhere to easily insert interactive poll questions into your presentation and see the audience responses fill the screen. The audience responds on their phones or other web-enabled devices, and the results will appear on your Poll Everywhere page.
To help you get started, we’ve compiled 25 fun questions to ask your audience during a presentation. Each question can be copied directly to your Poll Everywhere account. Don’t have an account? Create a free account today!
Multiple Choice Poll Questions
Multiple choice questions are a quick way to gauge the audience’s comprehension or regain their attention. Ask your audience to rank how they feel about the presentation to make the experience interactive. With Poll Everywhere, you can spice up multiple-choice questions with images and animated gifs instead of text responses. Try out these 5 fun multiple-choice questions below:
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- Which flavor of ice cream best represents you?
- Would you rather fight 10 duck-sized horses, or 1 horse-sized duck?
- Do you think pineapple belongs on pizza?
- Would you rather speak all languages or speak to animals?
- How are you feeling today?
Word Cloud Poll Questions
Word clouds are a popular way to visualize open-response questions. The cluster of words and colors are a fun way to illustrate your audience’s thoughts. With Poll Everywhere’s Word Cloud poll questions, the words will move and grow as more responses are entered, creating a lively, interactive presentation. In addition, Poll Everywhere supports emoji responses, which can easily be removed or monitored.
Pro tip: To submit multiple words or phrases as a single response to a word cloud, connect the words with a tilde (~) or underscore (_) symbol.
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- Which food makes you gag?
- If you could have any fictional animal as a pet, what would you choose?
- Who would you choose to narrate your life?
- Which fashion trend would you want to bring back?
- In one word, describe how you feel when you watch the sunset.
Open-Ended Poll Questions
Poll Everywhere rolled out a nifty little update a while back for that is the perfect poll type for these questions. It’s called Spotlight, giving each individual response its 15 seconds of fame. Now, imagine those responses were scrolling upward, one after the other, pausing between them to give people time to read what it says. You can also include screen names to show who responded.
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- What would be the title of your Netflix documentary?
- What did you hate sharing as a kid?
- What is something that has sparked joy for you in the past year?
- What lifehack is now an unconscious standard practice in your everyday life?
- If you were on Shark Tank, what would your business idea be?
Read more: 9 interactive ideas for squashing boring PowerPoint
Q&A Poll Questions
The easiest way to describe Q&A is to call them Reddit-style questions. You create the question and the audience can submit any text response. Here’s the best part: after someone submits a response, they see a list of everyone else’s responses. They can then upvote their favorite responses on that list. Responses with more votes rise to the top – in this case, showing everyone who had the funniest response.
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- Who would you nominate to have their own reality tv show?
- Create your own magic spell – what would it say and what would it do?
- What is something your generation does that you actually hate?
- What makes a superhero the most “powerful”?
- Describe the plot of a movie using only 4 words.
Clickable Image Poll Questions
If the image options for multiple choice weren’t enough, this poll type lets you set an image as the focal point of your question. Participants see this image on their devices and can click anywhere to drop a green pin at that location. This creates a sort of heat map of audience responses. You can even designate specific regions of the image as correct or incorrect, such as in the optical illusion poll below.
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- Forget Waldo. How many health code violations can you find?
- Where is the hidden tiger?
- On a scale of rat to horse, what type of dog do you prefer?
- Which is the best pizza topping?
- Puppies or muffins? Drop a pin on the chihuahua.
All of these funny poll question formats are available for you to use today with a free Poll Everywhere account. Sign up now, create as many polls as you like, and be ready to collect responses in minutes.
Special thanks to 100 Fantastic Unused Band Names for the band name ideas.