20+ Winter Icebreaker Questions to Warm Up the Room

winter icebreakers

Icebreakers are the perfect way to energize your group, break down barriers, and spark meaningful connections. Whether you’re welcoming students at the start of the school day or kicking off a team meeting, the right questions can set the tone for collaboration and engagement.

Explore these winter-themed icebreaker questions to bring a bit of seasonal fun to your classroom or workplace. From lighthearted and silly to thought-provoking and personal, these prompts are designed to get people talking and sharing. Give them a try and watch your audience open up, connect, and start conversations that make everyone feel included.

Why are icebreaker questions valuable? 

Jumping straight into a presentation or discussion might seem efficient, but it can lead to disengaged audiences and missed opportunities for connection. While presenters often feel pressured to dive right into the content due to time constraints, taking a moment to set the stage is essential.

Audiences need a mental shift to focus on the topic at hand, and they thrive in an environment where they feel comfortable and included. Icebreaker questions are the perfect tool to ease this transition, creating a space that fosters engagement, curiosity, and a sense of belonging.

Icebreakers get their name because they break down existing walls and allow people to warm up to their environment. Spending just a few minutes on icebreaker questions or activities can have a big impact on any audience you engage with. Here are a few reasons icebreakers work: 

  • They allow audiences to transition to the presentation: Whether the icebreakers are for kids after recess or adults stepping into a meeting, icebreaker questions create a transition to help them focus. 
  • They help audiences to form connections: People can feel like they have things in common with those around them through icebreaker questions. This makes them feel safer and increases their chances of asking for help or clarification. 
  • They create positive experiences for audiences: Participants are rewarded for participating in icebreakers. They get a positive acknowledgment from the presenter which could encourage them to speak up during more serious parts of the discussion. 

Essentially, audiences can better focus on the message when the presentation starts with icebreakers. They will feel safer and more comfortable speaking up around others.  This will lead to better conversations for everyone involved. 

20+ winter icebreaker questions

These questions can be tailored to audiences of all backgrounds. You can ask most of them to kids and adults alike. While most kids might not have detailed strategies for shoveling snow, they might love sharing stories of drinking hot cocoa or building a snowman with their siblings. Adults can also share heartwarming or funny memories and opinions based on these questions. 

  • Is winter your favorite season? 
  • Do you prefer the winter months or summer months? 
  • What is your favorite winter activity? 
  • Do you enjoy skiing, snowboarding, or neither? 
  • Have you ever been ice skating or walked on a frozen lake?
  • Do you prefer ice skating or playing ice hockey? 
  • Have you ever participated in a snowball fight? 
  • Where is the coldest place you have ever lived? 
  • Where is the coldest place you have been? 
  • What is your favorite beverage to warm up with after being out in the cold?
  • What is your favorite winter meal to stay warm? 
  • Which are better: gloves or mittens? 
  • What is your favorite winter accessory? 
  • Do you prefer to go outside or stay indoors during winter? 
  • What is your strategy for shoveling snow?
  • Do you shovel snow or have a snowblower? 
  • What is your favorite childhood winter memory? 
  • Do you have any winter traditions in your family? 
  • What do you look forward to during winter? 
  • What is the most snow you have ever seen? 
  • Do you celebrate the first snowfall of the year? 
  • Do your pets enjoy playing in the snow? 
  • What snow activities do you enjoy with your kids? 

How to get the most from icebreaker questions

These holiday questions serve as a good starting point for discussions, but there is a strategy for how you should use them. Here are a few best practices for winter icebreaker questions that can be applied to small groups and large audiences alike. 

  • Create opportunities for everyone to contribute. Too often, a few excited individuals will dominate the conversation. Look into online survey software and open-ended question activities where everyone can contribute. 
  • Share the answers to the polls. Collect data in real time and share the pulse of the audience. For example, asking “Is winter your favorite month?” Can highlight how popular this season is with the room. 
  • Select a few icebreaker questions at a time. There’s no need to rush through the entire list at once. Choose a few questions and leave time for discussions between attendees. For example, asking “What is your favorite winter memory,” could lead to some funny stories or sweet experiences. 
  • Don’t force attendees to participate. Some people might not want to share, and that’s okay. Let people participate when they feel comfortable. 
  • Bring icebreakers to in-person, hybrid, and remote environments. Anyone can answer icebreaker questions, whether they are taking an online poll or speaking up during a small group session. The right tools can make incorporating these queries easier. 

Testing out icebreaker questions can help you get into a groove when asking them. After a while, you might have a process in place to ask two or three questions before diving into the main topic at hand. Audiences can also learn to expect icebreakers from you and will respond accordingly. 

Incorporate Poll Everywhere when asking icebreaker questions 

Bring your winter icebreaker questions to life with Poll Everywhere, the ultimate tool for creating engaging and inclusive group activities. Designed to empower both extroverted and introverted participants, Poll Everywhere ensures every voice is heard and every winter memory has a chance to shine.

Easily capture audience opinions with Multiple Choice Activities or spark deeper conversations with Open-Ended Questions. Whatever icebreakers you choose, Poll Everywhere’s dynamic tools transform them into interactive moments that foster connection and creativity.

Ready to elevate your next presentation or group activity? Try Poll Everywhere today and discover how it can turn simple icebreakers into meaningful discussions. You’ll be amazed at how engaged your audience becomes.