Poll Everywhere in the news: Our favorite press mentions of 2020
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In a matter of months, the world had to transition to a fully remote environment. From meetings to classrooms, everyone had to find a way to interact virtually. The Poll Everywhere team spent much of 2020 creating features that would improve virtual presentations and help presenters facilitate inclusive conversations online. Thankfully, our efforts have been noticed by a few notable press articles that we would love to share with you! These articles highlight great virtual presentation tips, online learning strategies, and general reception regarding remote life, so we definitely recommend giving them a read.
Without further ado, here are our favorite press mentions of 2020:
Virtual offsites that work – Harvard Business Review
“Technology embedded in most video conference systems or phone-based tools such as Poll Everywhere allow participants to respond anonymously to questions in real time.”
Here’s how HR leaders are keeping a pulse on remote teams – Built in Chicago
“We also utilize the Poll Everywhere app within our connections. The app provides a platform for people to contribute anonymously and provides real-time feedback, which we use to frame our path forward and respond to the needs and concerns of our employees.”
How to create a powerful virtual presentation – Inc.
“Make interaction a priority. With a small amount of effort, you can turn virtual presentations into interactive experiences…Integrating real-time polling with web-based tools like Slido or Poll Everywhere can bring the right amount of spontaneity when you need it.”
5 tips for running an effective and engaging remote meeting – Thomasnet
“One of the benefits of remote meetings is that organizations can leverage various tools that make engagement and the provision of feedback easier and more interactive. For example, Poll Everywhere, Stormz, Mentimeter, and Slido are all great polling apps that allow attendees to provide feedback and answer questions in real-time.”
80 tips for remote learning from seasoned educators – The New York Times
“At the beginning of a synchronous class section, create a poll to get student feedback on how to prioritize your valuable time together. For example, when asking students to analyze different elements of a film, I asked them via Poll Everywhere to select one specific element they wanted to cover in that class session…I would edit the list of elements in the poll so we made sure to cover everything…”
What it takes to run a great virtual meeting – Harvard Business Review
“Use a phone-based survey tool like Poll Everywhere to collect on-demand feedback from attendees on specific topics in real time. Keep the polling open, separate from the videoconference to avoid disrupting the conversation.”
Presenting virtually? Don’t make these 5 tragic virtual presentation mistakes – Forbes
“Without a doubt, the best way to hit a home run with a virtual presentation is engaging the audience throughout. The more they’re actually engaging with the content, the more effective the presentation will be…The best presenters also don’t stop with the standard interactive tools and instead also incorporate tools like Slido, Mentimeter, and Poll Everywhere to infuse audience engagement into the DNA of the session.”
Best Q&A and polling platforms in 2020 – Techradar
“If you have set your sights on delivering polished presentations while gathering powerful feedback from audiences watching them, Poll Everywhere is a great shout. The platform allows you to ask a question and then the watch as its chart updates automatically with their responses…What’s more, users can create live trivia content to make meetings, lectures, or conferences more exciting.”
Instructors expanding their teaching toolkits with new UVA learning technologies – UVAToday
“Bourdon and Schwartz will both continue to keep Poll Everywhere an integral part of their teaching toolkits.“Poll Everywhere has totally changed the way I go to make my lectures,” Schwartz said. “Instead, I start by saying, ‘What is my Poll Everywhere conversation going to be about?’”
8 great online teaching tools you may have missed – Tes
“Poll Everywhere allows you to make any lesson interactive by adding quick assessment-for-learning questions.”
Professors embrace new technology to adapt to online instruction – Columbia News
“During synchronous class sessions, she took advantage of polls (especially Poll Everywhere) to stimulate class discussion. “Since the polls are usually anonymous, they allow quieter or less vocal students to voice their opinions about a text or question in a lower-stakes setting,” said Pfeifer. “Right now, it seems like we have more class discussion and participation over Zoom than I often do in an in-person class.’”
3 tips to better engage students using an LMS – Software Advice
“Gilson uses polls to engage students and spark conversations during class. “…Another way, and the way I typically use Poll Everywhere, is to get students’ opinions on a topic we are discussing. This can lead to further in-class discussions, which are always great.”’
Classes online: student perspectives and privacy concerns about Zoom – Virginia Law Weekly
“The class has around sixty students and Professor Verkerke uses a website called Poll Everywhere to solicit student answers and opinions on course-related questions…Eventually, people warmed up a bit to the format and participated more, reducing the number of uncomfortable silences.”
We are so thankful that these organizations found great use cases for our product. If you enjoy reading customer stories, please check out our library of case studies. These stories range from corporate training, online classes, to virtual pub trivia. We wish you all a wonderful rest of 2020, and we look forward to 2021!