How we've operationalized employee mental health

lets talk about mental health words in the shape of a brain

Achieving a healthy work-life balance and prioritizing mental health have become increasingly important in today's fast-paced and demanding work environment. To address the need of putting wellness first, Poll Everywhere has placed significant time and effort into understanding and fostering a culture that not only creates a more engaged and fulfilled workforce, but also has a positive impact on the productivity and creativity of employees. In this blog, we offer insights into how your organization can create an environment where employees feel cared for through opportunities that empower them to take control over their work situation. 

Encourage Open Communication

As Forbes says, having productive employees is no “happy accident.” Effective communication is key to any successful business, but it is particularly important for maintaining a positive and productive work environment. When employees feel heard, they are more likely to engage in honest dialogue about how they truly feel at work. This opens the door for managers to gain a holistic understanding of their employees overall well-being and will give them a chance to work on a solution to ensure their employees feel cared for at work.

According to NPR, managers are more important now than ever, as they are the only ones close enough to gauge overall employee satisfaction. Poll Everywhere encourages open communication between managers and their teams, which encourages productivity and helps to build strong relationships between team members. We utilize various asynchronous tools and techniques to stay connected and check in with our teams, and try to prioritize a balance of work and life.

There’s No “I” in Team

First impressions matter, and starting off on the right foot with new employees will set the tone for their experience at your organization. HR Digest suggests welcoming a new employee and immediately providing them with the company culture, values, and clear expectations of their role and responsibilities. Furthermore, employers can foster a better workplace culture through:

  • Providing opportunities for professional development
  • Offering competitive salaries and benefits
  • Prioritizing employee recognition and highlighting achievements

Celebrating wins and ensuring that team members feel acknowledged for their hard work and dedication is another key approach. There are many ways that organizations can celebrate wins, even in a remote environment. Consider buying the team lunch, throwing a virtual celebration, sending a gift card, or even granting them a day off! Instilling a team-oriented culture beginning with onboarding is the best way to start new hires off on the right path. Once a new hire has reached their first 90 days, it is critical for managers and leadership to gain and apply an understanding of how and when to recognize team members for their efforts to ensure a successful overall employee experience.  

Powering Personal Connections and Building Culture

Building a strong culture of trust and personal connections sets up professional relationships that last. One way we do this is by participating in initiatives such as the 4-day work week, which fosters creativity and emotional fluency. We also recognize the importance of trust in the workplace and make it a priority to build strong relationships between team members.

Trust, engagement, and satisfaction are the building blocks of a solid company culture. Through establishing a strong foundation in which employees feel cared for and reap the benefits of a cohesive culture, they in turn will produce better outcomes and feel proud of what they accomplish.

With the increasing demand for work-life balance and mental health support in the workplace, it is important for other organizations to follow similar strategies to lead in prioritizing the holistic wellbeing of their teams. By adopting similar strategies and initiatives, companies can create a more positive and productive work environment, ultimately leading to greater success and satisfaction.