Turn PowerPoint slides into polls, share with colleagues, and more

The Poll Everywhere team is bigger, and moving faster than ever in a caffeine-addled fury. Check out all the new and improved so far.

The short list:

  • Transform a PowerPoint slide into a new Poll Slide. (Easier workflow? Yeah, you deserve it.)
  • Copy a group of polls to a sub-user on the same account, or to all the sub-users in your group.
  • Set really, really tiny click regions on clickable image polls.
  • Assign weighted grading to poll response options.
  • Check out the new LiveSlides blog for easy ways to make PowerPoint do cool web tricks.

Take a closer look:

From PowerPoint slides to Poll Slides

The new ‘Convert to poll’ button on PollEv Presenter Add-in lets you turn PowerPoint slides into live polls. It will automatically create either a multiple-choice poll or an open-response poll, depending on whether or not you’ve added response options below the question.

Note: Right now the ‘Convert to poll’ button is available on PowerPoint, only on Windows, and only works on the Title + Content slide template.

Here’s a short video of the magic in action:

Copy a group of polls to a sub-user

Educators, corporate training pros, and account owners, this one’s especially for you. Once you’ve got the perfect set of questions lined up and ready to engage everybody, there are probably a few people on your team who could stand to benefit. Share the brilliance quickly and easily with the new copy options on your bulk-edit menu.

How to use it:
Click the group of polls you want to share, either by clicking the group title or by selecting each poll individually. Then click Edit at the top.
Select a group of polls to copy, then click edit

Now, on the Edit page, scroll down to the ‘Copy poll’ box at the bottom, and enter the emails of a few (or all) sub-users on your account. Then click Apply.

Select the users you want to share your group of polls with, then click apply.

That’s all. Now everyone you selected has that perfect poll group sitting in their accounts, just like you.

Set teeny-tiny click regions on clickable image polls

We assumed the click regions were small enough to begin with, but we assumed wrongly. You told us you want absolute precision on those clickable image responses. So here it is.

Now you can demand that your participants click exactly the minuscule spot you want them to click:
Create really tiny click regions for absolute precision.

Of course, you can still choose to hide the click regions, if you want to leave everyone completely in the dark. And on paid accounts you can designate one or more regions as the correct ones. Be as diabolically exact as you please.

Assign weighted grading to poll responses

Now if you have a paid account you can decide on the degree of correctness to multiple-choice polls and clickable image polls.

Just enable Weighted grading on the Labs page. Then assign any value between -999.99 to 999.99 to your response options. It’ll all be tracked and calculated automatically in your Gradebook.

To do this, click Edit to the right of your poll. Here’s how it looks when you assign weighted grades to those tiny click regions:

assign negative or positive points to click regions or multiple choice options