New for August: on-the-fly polls, country codes, and more

The Poll Everywhere team is releasing features and content that make it easier to manage your activities, participants, and presentations. Learn more about what’s new and improved in your Poll Everywhere account for August.


Use your phone to build activities on the fly

Creating an activity in the Poll Everywhere mobile app looks and feels just like Poll Everywhere on the desktop. It’s the perfect way to add a last-minute audience response activity when you’re not in front of your computer.

When you add a question in the mobile creator, it will activate automatically. You’ll see the mobile response chart on your device. From there, you can hide responses, lock the activity, or browse your other activities.

Poll Everywhere mobile app activity creator

Sync activity slide preview images

In December, Poll Everywhere for PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides released placeholder images. Placeholders provide a quick, scannable view of each Poll Everywhere activity slide in your deck.

Now you can update placeholder previews in your presentation to reflect changes you’ve made to the poll. Select “Sync” from the new menu, and the placeholder preview for the selected activity will be updated automatically.

Computer screen on PowerPoint


Maximize the impact of instructor-led training

Instructor-led training provides a unique opportunity to engage employees in a transformative experience. It helps you strengthen and unify knowledge across your workforce. This handy infographic complements Poll Everywhere COO Sam Cauthen’s insights on maximizing impact before, during, and after ILT.

Download the ILT infographic


Labels make activities easier to control

When you access the activity controls in any Poll Everywhere activity, whether to adjust the look of your activity or to hide responses, new labels make it easier to know which control is which.

computer screen with word cloud

New international numbers for SMS responses

Poll Everywhere can accept web responses from anywhere in the world. SMS text message responses are also a valid option in 37 countries. Poll Everywhere added SMS support for five countries, and graduated six others from beta status:

  • Croatia
  • Singapore
  • Brazil
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • Czechoslovakia
  • Hungary
  • Latvia
  • Malaysia
  • Netherlands
  • Puerto rico

To find out if your audience can use SMS text responses, check the full list.


The student’s guide to Poll Everywhere

Share this post with students to help them get up to speed on how to create an account, how to register with an instructor, and how to certify a mobile phone number. This helps to ensure that student responses, attendance, and participation scores can be properly credited to the right person.


About Poll Everywhere accessibility standards

Poll Everywhere is used by 75% of the Fortune 500 and more than 300,000 educators. It’s used to level the playing field, to make sure everyone has the opportunity to feel heard. Keeping that promise requires a commitment to accessibility, because everyone really does mean everyone.

Read more about our commitment to accessibility.


The advantages of BYOD for education

The era of student response was ushered in by hardware clickers more than 20 years ago. Today, many schools are transitioning to bring-your-own-device (BYOD) methods of classroom response. But what specific benefits does a BYOD approach confer? Learn more about BYOD in the classroom.


Even more Poll Everywhere inspiration

The Poll Everywhere customer support team hosts a live webinar every Thursday. Sign up at any time, or watch one of the recorded webinars in the new webinar hub.