8 EdTech Tools that Work with Canvas LMS to Improve Learning Outcomes

Canvas has become a trusted cornerstone of classrooms nationwide, serving as the go-to learning management system (LMS) for educators. Its intuitive design and robust tools have propelled it to the forefront of the education technology market over the past decade.
One of Canvas’s greatest strengths is its ability to integrate seamlessly with dozens of apps, software platforms, and plug-ins. These integrations empower educators to enhance lesson plans with engaging tools and streamline classroom management. With Canvas, everything teachers need—from grading to interactive activities—is brought together in one user-friendly platform, making it easier than ever to create meaningful learning experiences.
Explore top resources and EdTech tools that integrate seamlessly with Canvas to enhance your teaching. From familiar names to innovative newcomers, these tools unlock new opportunities to enrich your lesson plans and engage your students like never before.
Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere is one of the top audience response software solutions available to educators. It recently debuted Course Management capabilities that integrate with the LMS and make it easier for teachers to keep track of student participation.
Poll Everywhere has worked with educators for years to make their lesson plans more engaging. Its tools allow them to create Word Clouds, Clickable Images, Surveys, and Open-Ended questions that break up lectures and encourage introverted students to participate. Poll Everywhere is an essential resource for the hybrid classroom because it allows both virtual and in-person students to have an equal voice.
Learn more about the Course Management capabilities at Poll Everywhere and how they integrate with Canvas. Getting started is easier than you think.
Detecting AI and plagiarized content is more important than ever as students have easy access to generative tools. Copyleaks protects academic integrity by detecting copied or AI-generated content. This tool helps educators review formal papers at the end of the semester and ticket-out-the-door responses alike. No assignment is too small.
Copyleaks is used in more than 100 counties and 1,000 institutions. Along with integrating with Canvas, Copyleaks also works with Blackboard, Schoology, Sakai, and more. By integrating with the LMS, teachers can keep track of repeat offenders who keep trying to use AI to do their assignments for them.
11trees recognizes that teachers are often spread thin with full classrooms, and that makes it hard to provide individualized feedback and guidance for students. This tool links with Canvas accounts and contextualizes raw data. Take the metrics collected from test scores, homework assignments, and other activities and turn them into actionable items for students.
With 11trees, teachers can review interactive tables and actionable recommendations to see which students can benefit from direct feedback. This saves time so educators have more bandwidth to meet with students. The feedback they provide is also better because it is backed by data-driven insights. Let Canvas integrations help you work smarter, not harder.
Qwickly Jot
Qwickly Jot is committed to digitizing paper assignments. Teachers can take traditional worksheets and let students write on them through their computers. This is particularly useful for labeling diagrams, showing work on math equations, and annotating text.
Qwickly Jot is a useful integration for people who want to see that their students are actively participating. Students can show their work and their thought processes throughout the assignment, proving that they didn’t pull information from the web or with the help of AI. It is both an engagement tool and a useful way to ensure students are acting honestly.
Educators can use Octopus to improve communication with parents and share feedback on student engagement. Not only can teachers share feedback with students and explain clearly how they can improve, but parents can also see this information along with student participation. Octopus boosts transparency with parents so there’s no confusion about student performance. The feedback is also shared frequently, so parents can work with their students to stay on track.
Octopus has Canvas integration for both K-12 classrooms and higher education learners. There’s a place for it in every classroom.
Terracotta is one of the most unique EdTech tools on the market. It allows teachers to upload similar versions of the same assignment and then it randomly distributes those various throughout the class. This allows educators to test different lesson plans or directions to see which ones are easier to follow. It is a valuable way to identify the best assignments for your classroom with data-backed insights. Experimental research in the classroom has never been easier.
Consider using Soundtrap and other podcasting EdTech tools if you want to create recordings for your students or ask them to develop audio journals that you can follow along. Soundtrap can be particularly useful in the flipped classroom, where teachers record their lectures for students to listen to at home, freeing up space to work on assignments and activities during the school day.
Soundtrap can also be a valuable resource for music teachers who need to create recordings for students to follow along. It is easy to learn and designed specifically for educators.
Reading teachers will love integrating Bookopolis into their Canvas account. Bookopolis is a reading-based social network for kids. Think of it as Goodreads for the learning environment. Kids can log their reading time (or pages read), discover new books, and share reviews with their peers. This is a good way to see which students are reading and what they think of various assignments.
Avid readers in the classroom will love Bookopolis and will share their favorite stories with their friends. Students who enjoy one book can discover similar ones at appropriate reading levels. Even reluctant readers can find something they like through this platform.
Get Started with Poll Everywhere Today
Poll Everywhere is built with educators in mind, listening to their needs to create tools that make teaching easier and more impactful. One example? Course Management was designed to integrate with Canvas and simplify classroom workflows seamlessly. With Poll Everywhere, you can transform lessons into interactive experiences by adding live multiple-choice questions, ranking polls, and other engaging activities. Bring energy to your classroom and see how interactive tools like word clouds, quizzes, and games can captivate students and improve participation.
Schedule a call with a Poll Everywhere representative to learn more about your options.